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CW305 Artix FPGA Target


$1050 - $3000 USD


The CW305 is NewAE Technology's first FPGA target board. It brings loads of features including a simplified USB interface for talking to the FPGA, an external PLL for adjusting frequency response, a programmable VCC-INT supply, and diode protection for use in fault injection environments. Also available with a special BGA socket, giving you the ability to perform tests on multiple FPGA devices - perfect for checking Physically Unclonable Functions (PUFs) under the exact same environmental conditions across multiple FPGAs.


This board requires an external oscilloscope or capture box for performing the power measurement. If you are looking for a complete toolchain, purchase the CW305 along with the ChipWhisperer 2-Part version. This will provide you with a complete toolchain for experimentation on FPGA targets.


  • Custom USB interface provides address/data bus for FPGA, including data transfer and configuration.

  • Example AES hardware implementation demonstrates data transfer.

  • Arm DesignStart for FPGA with Cortex-M1 or Cortex-M3 can be run on this board.

  • 3-channel PLL generates 5-160 MHz with frequency configurable over USB.

  • VCC-INT supply which can be programmed over the range of 0.8V-1.10V via USB.

  • VCC-INT shunt resistor, with 20dB LNA to amplify signal.

  • VCC-INT direct connection for voltage fault injection.

  • ChipWhisperer 20-pin connector to simplify usage with ChipWhisperer capture, for both side-channel power analysis and clock glitching.

  • Mounting holes for XY table mounting.


ChipWhisperer Integration

The NAE-CW305 can be used with regular oscilloscopes, or can be integrated into a ChipWhisperer environment. The ChipWhisperer integration makes it easy to perform clock or voltage glitching, along with side-channel power analysis.

Connects to Existing Equipment

Connect the CW305 to existing equipment such as power supplies and oscilloscopes to easily work with your existing test lab setup.

Arm DesignStart M1/M3

You can run the Arm DesignStart for FPGA based on Xilinx Artix-7 on this board. This lets you run a standard Cortex-M1 or Cortex-M3 core on this Artix board. Requires JTAG adapter (sold separately) and Arm JTAG such as Segger J-Link.


FPGA Supported
Artix-7 in FTG256 Package
FPGA Configuration Method
USB (built in), JTAG (requires external tool), SPI Flash memory
Power Supplies
0.8-1.2V (VCC-INT), 4A, Programmable. 1.8V (VCC-AUX), 1.5A, Fixed. 3.3V (VCC-IO), 2A, Fixed
USB Interface
Custom high-speed USB 2.0 firmware running on ARM microcontroller
USB Functions
FPGA configuration, VCC-INT setting, PLL configuration, writing onto data-bus for FPGA
USB Example Languages
Python (Linux, Windows, Mac OS-X)
USB Supported Languages
Any that can access libusb DLL (C, C++, VB, etc)
Supported Toolchains
Xilinx Vivado (All FPGAs), Xilinx ISE (XC7A100T only)
PLL Channels
3 separate frequencies
PLL Output Range
1-200 MHz
I/O on Expansion Header
27 GPIO (including 2x differential & 3 clock inputs on FPGA)
I/O on 20-pin Header
11 GPIO (including 1 clock input on FPGA)
I/O on SMA Connectors
2 GPIO (including 1 clock inputs on FPGA)

Packing List

CW305 Artix FPGA Target
Main CW305 Target board, with FPGA mounted per part number.
Double-Sided 40-pin Header
40-pin header for connecting test leads.
USB A Cable
USB-A Cable for connecting CW305 to Computer


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