ChipWhisperer-Pro Kit

ChipWhisperer-Pro (CW1200) has been discontinued due to global parts shortages.
Looking for an alternative? You might be interested in ChipWhisperer-Husky, available for purchase via Mouser Electronics, our global authorized distributor, or Crowd Supply. A comparison of all capture hardware can be found here:
The ChipWhisperer-Pro features a more powerful processor than the ChipWhisperer-Lite, allowing features like real-time pattern matching in the analog waveform, streaming data back to the computer for working with asymmetric algorithms, and more. It keeps the same API as the ChipWhisperer-Lite and the same analog front-end, making it seamless to switch between ChipWhisperer-Lite and ChipWhisperer-Pro.
The ChipWhisperer-Pro is only available in a complete started kit that includes AVR & STM32F3 (Arm Cortex-M4) targets, along with accessories you will need such as simple differential & magnetic-field probes, voltage translators, and analog filters.
Low-Noise Amplifier (LNA) with adjustable gain of up to +60 dB for analog power measurements.
10-bit ADC up to 105 MS/s, with ultra flexible clocking mechanism allow synchronous power capture.
Real-time pattern matching to trigger glitch or DPA on specific operations, using only the power measurement as a trigger input.
Stream samples back at 10 MS/s, allowing capture of long traces (full RSA, ECC, etc).
Generate clock glitches with sub-nS resolution on timing.
Crowbar-based voltage glitch generator.
Open source FPGA design allowing customization of capture platform.

Educational Material
Using our Jupyter notebooks, you can learn how DPA works, how to break password checks, how fault injection works, and even more. Or use ChipWhisperer-Lite with our online training offerings.
Advanced DPA Features
The ChipWhisperer-Pro gives you features like a streaming mode to record long data traces, and triggering on analog patterns. It uses the unique synchronous capture technology to provide the well aligned power traces, just like the ChipWhisperer-Lite.
Ready for Work
The ChipWhisperer-Pro comes with most accessories you need out of the box, and a convenient waterproof storage case to protect your ChipWhisperer-Pro even if you live in a hurricane-prone area.
ADC Specifications | 10-bit ADC, 105 MS/s maximum sample rate |
ADC Sample Clock Source | (1) Internal generator, (2) External input direct, (3) External input with phase adjustment, (4) External input with 4x multiplier, phase adjustment |
Analog Input | AC-Coupled, up to +55dB gain (adjustable) |
Trigger Sources (Glitch & ADC) | Rising/Falling Edge, Level, SPI data, UART data, analog pattern (SAD Trigger) |
SAD Trigger | 128-point pattern, real-time matching (approx. 4-cycle delay) |
Aux Functions | Trigger In, Trigger Out |
GPIO Types | Serial, clock, logic line (i.e., for reset pin) |
GPIO Voltage | 3.3V |
Clock Generation Range | 5-200 MHz |
Clock Output Type | (1) Regular, (2) with glitch inserted, or (3) glitch output only |
Glitch Width (min) | ~1nS (depends on cabling used) |
Glitch Offset | Adjustable in < 200pS increments |
Voltage glitch type | Crowbar output, high and low-power outputs |
Crowbar pulse current | 20A |
USB Interface | Custom open-source USB firmware, up to 25 MB/s speed |
Streaming speed | Unlimited buffer size (limited by computer) up to 10 MS/s |
Sample Buffer Size | 98 119 |
Programming Protocols | Atmel ISP (for AVR), Atmel PDI (for XMEGA), STM32Fx Bootloader |
Connectors | Power Measurement In: SMA, Crowbar Glitch Out: SMA, Target Connector: IDC-20 |
Packing List
STM32F3 UFO Target | STM32F303 Target for CW308 UFO | 1 | NAE-CW308T-STM32F3 |
5V DC 2.1mm barrel jack wall-wart | Power Supply for UFO Board (only required for 5V targets) | 1 | |
CW506 Advanced Breakout Board | Level shifter with additional connections for external targets. | 1 | |
7.3728 MHz Crystal | Crystal for using UFO Board stand-alone | 1 | |
Differential Probe | Differential probe, +/-5V input range | 1 | NAE-DIFFPROBE |
Prototyping UFO Target Boards | Prototyping boards for CW308 UFO | 3 | |
Low Noise Amplifier | 20 dB Low Noise Amplifier, Unshielded | 1 | |
Isolated Probe Power Supply | Isolated power supply for differential & LNA/H-Probe | 1 | NAE-CW503 |
5V DC USB Wall-wart | Wall adapter for Probe USO Power | 1 | |
SMA Coupler | SMA Coupler for connecting H-Probe to LNA Input Directly | 1 | |
UFO Lifter Tool | 2 | ||
XMEGA UFO Target | XMEGA Target for CW308 UFO (Mouted on UFO Board) | 1 | NAE-CW308T-XMEGA |
6-pin Ribbon/IDC Cable | Power cable for LNA & Diff-Probe | 3 | |
SMA to BNC Adapter | SMA to BNC Adapter, for probes or instrumentation | 2 | |
Planar H-Field Probe | Magnetic Field Probe, 15mm loop, Planar, Stubby | 1 | NAE-HPROBE-15 |
SMA Tee | SMA Tee for performing DPA & voltage FI on UFO Board simultaneously | 1 | |
Micro-USB Cable (3 ft) | Micro-USB cable for ChipWhisperer-Lite | 1 | |
SMA Cables (Hi Flex) | Highly Flexible SMA cables | 3 | |
Micro-USB Cable (6 ft) | Micro-USB cable for Probe PSU Power | 1 | |
20-pin Ribbon/IDC Cable | 20-Pin Ribbon Cable for Connecting between boards | 2 |